My little sister and I got drunk one evening and decided to start a record label (we're both musicians, incase you didn't know). After sobering up, we still thought it was a good idea and so we did just that. Check it out if you're interested, by no means is this a shameless plug. Well perhaps a wee bit shameless.
I got an email from my friend Steve today.
Steve is also the drummer in my band. And a ginger. And has a pretty sweet job at a swanky ad agency downtown. He's my fix for all things cool and urban. Turns out, Steve was checking out the Narwhal page (I didn't tell anyone about the project before hand) and he asked if I had written the bio. Confession #1: yup, I did. I've always been a little self-conscious of my writing, by no means am I a pro. My only real form of writing is a few songs and some random memos to work colleagues. But like any true Ginger, Steve shone some sunshine on me when he told me, that perhaps I've missed my calling – I should be a copywriter.
Confession #2: I had to google 'copywriter'. Other than Ms. Olson, I really didn't know much about what they did - besides the obvious (but strangely, it wasn't so obvious to me). Steve urged me to start a blog and to write something everyday, as random or specific as I could muster, but just to do it. I decided to listen to Steve. Steve knows his shit. So let's call this the start of something great, or at the least mediocre.
And this is where I always struggle. Trying to figure out what you people want to hear. Truth be told I don't exactly lead a glamorous life. On todays agenda: I have my final motorcycle road test. Instead of spending time studying, I spent god-knows-how-long YouTubing Chris Isaak videos (at least my priorities are in line).
BTW: I passed my test and am now a full-fledged motorcycle licensee.
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