Leaning in

We got home from tour earlier than expected, thankful that we only lost our last four shows and yet  secretly glad to be headed home. It's been just over two weeks that we arrived back in Alberta. Back into the throws of winter, with snowbanks higher than I've ever seen out here and no signs of spring on the horizon just yet.

It's a strange time we find ourselves in. This current situation and all. My mind has run the gamut of emotions; from anger to fear, playing through all the 'what if's' and hypotheticals, and finally to complete avoidance of the entire topic at hand. In the end, there's not much I can do but stay home and wait it out and I'm leaning into it, as best I can.

I'm beyond thankful that I have a place to hunker down in. A warm home that I can putter around, a sink to stand and do dishes at and five junk drawers that I finally have the time to clean out. I'm thankful for our long walks in the country with our new dog, waves from our neighbours as we pass by their windows and the long prairie days that come with daylight savings.
And while I yearn for the time when we're free to go out as we please and to connect (in close proximity) with our family and friends, I'm strangely okay-ish with this pause.
It's not forever, it's just for now.


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