And so it begins...
Yesterday was Family Day here in Ontario - a much-needed 3-day weekend. But despite having the day off work, my alarm rang at 6:50am and both Brad and I were on the move. We pulled out of the driveway at 7:30am, made a quick stop for coffee then continued on what would turn out to be a two-hour drive. After trading the highway for rural roads, we passed through tiny towns and hamlets, across vast open spaces and through fields of wind turbines. Eventually we made the right turn onto County Road 14 in the village of Conn. Brad's scrawled notes indicated that we were looking for the 2nd place on the right, and then we were there. The driveway was long but as we crested the slight hill we saw it. Swagged with a green tarp and covered in snow, but not to be missed.

It is with great pride and extreme happiness that I can finally say that we are the owners of this 1976 Winnebago Chieftain.
Winnie's in pretty good shape for being 37 years old, but she does need some loving care. Next month she'll be making the northern migration to a lovely barn in Oro, where she will rest comfortably while we gussy her up. I'll keep you posted on the progress.
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